DATE: December 3, 2019
Janelle Love
Media Relations Office
301-609-6538 or 301-848-4799
CCSO Celebrates Annual Retirement and Awards Banquet
Officers, Employees, and Community Members Honored for Completion of Service, Excellent Field Work, and Bravery

From Left to Right: Sheriff Troy Berry, Assistant Sheriff Mr. Brian Eley, M/Cpl. Judy Thompson, Sgt. Michael Clark, PFC William Dennin, Captain John Caywood, Ms. Carol Davis, Lt. Jeffrey Holter, Captain Michael McGuigan, Lt. Randy Stine, Mr. Danny Johnson, Lt. Craig Stillwell, Mr. John Brown, Lt. Col. David Saunders, and Major Michael Almassy
Charles County Sheriff Troy D. Berry honored 24 retirees and 41 award recipients at a banquet at the Waldorf Jaycees Community Center on Friday, November 8. Honorees were recognized for their service to the Agency, excellent field work, or acts of bravery. Retired Captain William Saunders and Retired Lieutenant Patrick Murphy served as the Masters of Ceremonies. The Charles County Sheriff’s Office Honor Guard presented Colors; Mrs. Becky Kuhn sang the National Anthem; Chaplain Steve Davis delivered the invocation; and Chaplain Larry Palmer delivered the benediction. “Tonight we are honoring 24 retirees who provided a combined 585 years of service to Charles County. We are so grateful for their contributions to this community and to our Agency,” said Sheriff Berry. “To those receiving awards, thank you for going above and beyond the call of duty, for saving lives, and for your superior service.”
The following retirees were honored (listed with dates of service):
- Police Officer First Class William Dennin (August 21, 1989 – October 31, 2018)
- Captain John Caywood (April 3, 1989 – July 31, 2019)
- Sergeant Patricia Garino (September 20, 1995 – October 5, 2018)
- Lieutenant Reynal Aportadera (November 7, 1988 – July 31, 2019)
- Sergeant Michael Clark (March 3, 1997 – April 26, 2019)
- Lieutenant Craig Stillwell (February 27, 1989 – July 31, 2019)
- Carol Davis (May 8, 2000 – December 31, 2018)
- Lieutenant Jeffrey Holter (June 12, 1989 – July 31, 2019)
- Danny Johnson (January 31, 1997 – February 18, 2019)
- Master Sergeant Robert Vaughn (November 4, 1996 – July 31, 2019)
- Sergeant Jay Budd (September 30, 1994 – February 28, 2019)
- Master Corporal Judith Thompson (January 18, 1988 – July 31, 2019)
- Master Sergeant James Ondrish, Jr. (March 11, 1985 – May 17, 2019)
- Monica Saunders (April 24, 1989 – July 16, 2019)
- Police Officer First Class Michael Beall (May 17, 1999 – May 24, 2019)
- Leland Schadt (October 7, 1996 – August 1, 2019)
- John Brown (May 16, 1994 – May 24, 2019)
- Correctional Officer First Class Warren Philyaw (June 15, 1998 – July 19, 2019)
- Captain Michael McGuigan (January 2, 1990 – June 6, 2019)
- Lieutenant James Stine (January 2, 1990 – August 30, 2019)
- Master Sergeant Gary Draheim (November 4, 1996 – July 19, 2019)
- Master Corporal Joseph Piazza (July 7, 1997 – September 23, 2019)
- Police Officer First Class Daniel Raby (April 20, 1995 – July 19, 2019)
- Kristina Huckabee (October 11, 1994 – October 16, 2019)
The following awards were presented:
Bronze Medal of Valor: CFC Eric Keys
Meritorious Service Award: CPL Phillip Norris
On March 13, 2019, CFC Eric Keys and Corporal Phillip Norris were transporting a prisoner back to the Charles County Detention Center from a court appearance in Anne Arundel County. While southbound on Route 301 in the area of Trade Zone Avenue in Bowie, Prince George’s County, MD, they observed a single vehicle accident off the roadway in the woodline. An SUV had struck a tree, and the vehicle was on fire. Corporal Norris, who was driving, made the decision to pull over so that they could check on any occupants of the vehicle. As Corporal Norris contacted 911, CFC Keys ran to the SUV with a fire extinguisher in hopes of extinguishing the flames and provide medical care. As the driver of the transport vehicle, Corporal Norris maintained security of the transport vehicle and the inmate while communicating with CFC Keys.
CFC Keys observed a lone, unconscious, female occupant in the driver’s seat of the SUV. When his attempts to extinguish the flames were unsuccessful, he broke out the driver’s side window with his ASP baton and gained entry to the vehicle. He then pulled the female from the vehicle and dragged her a safe distance away. CFC Keys started CPR in an attempt to resuscitate the female. CFC Keys conducted chest compressions for approximately 5 – 10 minutes before she began breathing on her own. Prince George’s County Emergency Medical Services eventually arrived and cared for the female, who was transported to the hospital and survived her injuries.
The following individuals received Meritorious Service Awards:
- PFC Stephen Miller, for his efforts in attempting to save the life of another without regard for his own safety.
- M/CPL Renee Cuyler, for her resourcefulness and initiative to remedy a situation involving a subject threatening to harm himself.
- Deputy Director Noelle Gehrman and Fingerprint Specialist Leslie Wanko, for their exceptional work and tireless dedication to the closure of a twenty-year old rape investigation with an indictment of the suspect.
- M/CPL Renee Cuyler, PFC Matthew O’Shields, PFC Shemeki Chandler, and PO2 Justin Bonaccorsy, for the great restraint and concern they showed for an armed suspect’s welfare during a tense and dangerous situation.
The following individuals received Lifesaving Awards:
- David Clair, for his compassion and quick actions which were instrumental in saving the life of a child who was shot during a domestic-related incident.
- CPL David Benthin, for his dedication to duty and his determination to locate a suicidal missing person.
- PFC William Halt, for his calm demeanor and decisive actions while preserving life during a gruesome accident scene.
The following individuals received Sheriff’s Awards:
- D/CPL Ryan Johnson, for his outstanding efforts in a home invasion investigation, which resulted in charges for five suspects.
- SGT William R. Jackson, Jr., Station Clerk Supervisor Kristi Jackson, and PFC Matthew Van Horn, for thorough investigation and for awareness while off duty, resulting in an arrest and recovery of Agency property.
- PFC Justin Bottorf, for the empathy and compassion he showed to an elderly woman in need.
- LT Scott Fetterolf, for his exceptional work in his first year as Commander of the Property Management Section.
- CAPT Ryan Ross, for the initiative and dedication that he showed in improving the Employee Performance Appraisal for the Corrections Division.
- PFC Young Jack Austin and D/CPL Christina Gilroy, for their time, effort, and diligence in ending a criminal enterprise.
- SGT Matthew Kline, CPL Justin Davis, and CFC Michael Keeler, for their tireless work in completing a large-scale suicide prevention plan for the Charles County Detention Center.
The following individuals received Certificates of Commendation:
- CFC Nicholas Cargill, for his actions which ensured the safety of an inmate and the security of the section.
- PO2 Ashton Brown, for his actions at the scene of an accidental shooting.
- CPL Clay Collins, for his actions in providing care for a victim of a domestic assault.
- CO1 Nijee McWillis, for keeping a dangerous weapon from entering the housing section of the Detention Center and ensuring the safety of the inmate population.
- John Durrer, for his exemplary work as the Agency’s Fleet Maintenance Supervisor.
- Ward Grove, for his experience and guidance in seeing the Agency through several large-scale projects.
- Otis Peter Lambert, for his commitment and hard work which has saved the CCSO hundreds of thousands of dollars since his hire date.
- M/CPL Renee Cuyler, for the concern she displayed for possible occupants of a burning home over her own welfare.
- LT Donald Stahl, for his painstaking efforts in establishing the Digital Forensics Unit.
- SGT Brion Buchanan, M/CPL Christopher Shankster, CPL Jason Squriewell, PFC Christopher Morris, PFC Richard Pickeral, PO2 Abijeet Singh, and PO2 Luke Smith, for their quick and selfless actions in responding to a call for gunshots into a residence.
Charles County Crime Solvers offers rewards of up to $1,000 for information that leads to the arrest or indictment of a person responsible for a crime in Charles County. All individuals who provide tips through Crime Solvers will remain anonymous. Anyone with information about an unsolved crime or the location of a fugitive may contact Charles County Crime Solvers by calling 1-866-411-TIPS. Tips can also be submitted online at or by using the P3Intel mobile app, which can be found in the Android Store and Apple store by searching P3tips. For more information about the P3 program, click on this link:
The Charles County Sheriff’s Office is a full-service law enforcement agency comprised of more than 600 police, corrections and civilian personnel responsible for protecting more than 150,000 residents. The CCSO was accredited by the Commission on the Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) in 2001 has been designated as a CALEA Gold Standard of Excellence agency since 2011. Established in 1658, the CCSO is one of the oldest law enforcement agencies in the United States. For more information, visit